The Tennessee Public Policy Commission sees the state facing numerous issues related to the natural environment. The issues and economies differ greatly throughout our state, and the diversity of our geography signifies the diversity of the concerns we face. We encourage the unity of voices from within the environmental movement in order to harness action on the part of advocating for the preservation of the environment. The destruction of our forests by the practice of clear cutting to provide supplies to chip mills and the seriously polluted properties often referred to as brown fields in our cities are two concerns that must be addressed.
The TennesseeCatholic Public Policy Commission stresses that when we discuss environmental concerns that both the preservation of natural spaces and urban areas are considered. In analyzing our Church's position on sanctity of human life we must take in consideration all aspects of environmental concern.
We believe that clear cutting is neither sustainable nor the best use of our natural resources. The destruction of our forests by the practice of clear cutting to provide supplies to chip mills must stop. This practice leads to destruction of our natural environment, excessive erosion and destroys our streams and pollutes our water supplies. This leads to endangering our tourism, fishing and the development of skilled woodworking industries.
We believe that the State must face the issue of brown fields that plague many of our communities. Property seriously polluted with no method to remove the danger. We realize the challenge to the state, but fear for the citizens living with this problem. We support a program to clean up these properties and insist that this is carried out with the utmost commitment to public health.
We greatly desire to promote preservation and respect of the created world around us. Pope John Paul II has said, Respect for life and the dignity of the human person extends also to the rest of creation, which is called to join man in praising God.