Immigration Reform Legislation
SB364 / HB1195 State administration of refugee resettlement program. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill. It was taken off notice
Sponsors: Sen. Mark Green / Rep. John Ragan
Description: Requires the department to negotiate with the federal office of refugee resettlement to reacquire state administration of the refugee resettlement program.
Senate Status: 02/11/2015 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
House Status: 01/27/2016 - Taken off notice in House State Government Subcommittee.
SB1614 / HB2150 Tennessee Refugee Resettlement Oversight Act. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill. It was taken off notice.
Sponsors: Sen. Mark Green / Rep. John Ragan
Description: Enacts the "Tennessee Refugee Resettlement Oversight Act," which requires the department to enter into negotiations with the federal government to reacquire state administration of the refugee resettlement program, which is currently administered by Catholic Charities of Tennessee. Broadly captioned.
SB1929 / HB2415 Tennessee office for refugees to notify governor of certain refugees. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill because Catholic Charities doesn’t have nor can it get this information. Bill withdrawn.
Sponsors: Sen. Ken Yager / Rep. Susan Lynn
Description: Requires the Tennessee office for refugees to notify the governor and the commissioner of safety of any refugee selected for resettlement in this state who has resided in any country for the last five years designated by the U.S. secretary of state as a state sponsor of terrorism. Specifies that notification must include identifying information of the refugee and the location selected for resettlement of the refugee in this state.
SB364 / HB1195 State administration of refugee resettlement program. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill. It was taken off notice
Category: Government Organization
Sponsors: Sen. Mark Green / Rep. John Ragan
Description: Requires the department to negotiate with the federal office of refugee resettlement to reacquire state administration of the refugee resettlement program.
Senate Status: 02/11/2015 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
House Status: 01/27/2016 - Taken off notice in House State Government Subcommittee.
SB364 / HB1195 State administration of refugee resettlement program. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill. It was taken off notice
Sponsors: Sen. Mark Green / Rep. John Ragan
Description: Requires the department to negotiate with the federal office of refugee resettlement to reacquire state administration of the refugee resettlement program.
Senate Status: - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
House Status: - Taken off notice in House State Government Subcommittee.
SB1614 / HB2150 Tennessee Refugee Resettlement Oversight Act. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill. It was taken off notice.
Sponsors: Sen. Mark Green / Rep. John Ragan
Description: Enacts the "Tennessee Refugee Resettlement Oversight Act," which requires the department to enter into negotiations with the federal government to reacquire state administration of the refugee resettlement program, which is currently administered by Catholic Charities of Tennessee. Broadly captioned.
SB1929 / HB2415 Tennessee office for refugees to notify governor of certain refugees. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill because Catholic Charities doesn’t have nor can it get this information. Bill withdrawn.
Sponsors: Sen. Ken Yager / Rep. Susan Lynn
Description: Requires the Tennessee office for refugees to notify the governor and the commissioner of safety of any refugee selected for resettlement in this state who has resided in any country for the last five years designated by the U.S. secretary of state as a state sponsor of terrorism. Specifies that notification must include identifying information of the refugee and the location selected for resettlement of the refugee in this state.
SB2267 / HB1969 Protect Tennessee Citizens and Workers Act / OPPOSED
TNCPPC watched this bill. It was taken off notice. The police opposed it.
Sponsors: Sen. Mae Beavers / Rep. Dennis Powers
Description: Enacts the "Protect Tennessee Citizens and Workers Act." Requires a local law enforcement agency and its officers to fully comply with the United States immigration and customs enforcement criminal alien program (CAP) and other federal immigration laws, including, but not limited to, any detention request for a criminal immigrant, duty to apprehend criminal immigrants, and duty to report criminal immigrants. Gives an individual or entity found in violation of not complying with federal laws pertaining to illegal residents 120 days from the date of the court order to comply with the court order.
SJR467 Urges legal action regarding the Refugee Act. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill. It passed and we hope for the Gov. to veto it. However he let it pass without his signature.
Sponsors: Sen. Ron Ramsey
Description: Urges the commencement of legal action, seeking declaratory and injunctive relief, from the federal government's mandated appropriation of state revenue and noncompliance with the Refugee Act.
Amendment: House amendment 1 (014848) deletes language in the original bill that authorized the Attorney General in conjunction with the Speaker of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to employ the services of outside counsel and replaces it with an authorization to "retain" outside counsel. Urges the Attorney General and Speakers to minimize any cost to the state and prohibits the use of state funds to pay any litigation costs including attorney fees. The bill passed with out the Gov. Haslam’s signature
SB1733 / HB1713 Refugee resettlement programs - state funding. / OPPOSED
TNCPPC opposed this bill. The bill was withdrawn.
Sponsors: Sen. Dolores R. Gresham / Rep. Mark Pody
Description: During the time in which an entity other than a state agency administers the state's refugee resettlement program, prohibits state funds being expended in support of the program or other refugee resettlement activities in the state.